Reasons Why Pipes Freeze and How to Prevent Freezing As the cold weather sets in, many homeowners face the possibility of frozen pipes. When water freezes inside pipes, it expands and can cause the pipes to burst, leading to costly damages and inconvenience. So, at what temperature do pipes freeze...

By Jen Reyes Read more

Why Freezing and Curing Don't Mix Curing concrete in cold weather is crucial for construction projects in areas with freezing temperatures. When the temperature drops below 40°F, the curing process slows down, and the concrete may not reach its full strength potential. Therefore, it's essential to protect fresh concrete from...

By Jen Reyes Read more

The ABCs of IBC: Decoding the Importance of IBC in Tank Nomenclature Regarding IBC tanks, certain terms and phrases are commonly used in the industry. Understanding these terms is crucial for accurately decoding the importance of IBCs in tank nomenclature. Some of the most commonly used terms include "IBC tank,"...

By Jen Reyes Read more
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